Friday, December 28, 2012

Excuses or It Wouldn't Have Been Worth Reading Anyway

I love to Blog
and thats a fact
Then where have you been, you might ask

Traveled before
Cut time in half
Didn't even have time to unpack

House got cleaned
and cookies baked
Family was coming to celebrate

The lists were made
The money tight
Stores were open late each night

Found Gifts for her
and gifts for him
Got shiny paper to wrap them in

Crowds were terrific
My feet really ached
Couldn't remember to buy Scotch tape

The lines were long
The sales weren't great
Just 10% and I still had to wait

Buckets of Red
and Bells that rang
Forgot to bring some cash again

Hugs and Kisses
Hellos, Goodbyes
Everyone made it to my surprise

No time to write
No time to sit
Thats my excuse and I sticking to it

Monday, December 10, 2012

The Great Chucker Chase

                Our Game Bird License covered all Game Birds so besides raising several types of quail we also tried raising Chucker partridge.  They were beautiful grey and black birds with red legs.  Larger than the quail, they were more expensive to feed and hard to keep.  When they failed to breed for us we decided to keep them to show at the county fair and named them Romeo and Juliet.
                One day I was carrying a large feeder into the pen and Juliet got out.  Chuckers prefer running to flying when hunted and only fly in short low bursts.  True to form she took off running across the street with the entire family in hot pursuit.  We must have been a sight running around the block with a large fish net.  Finally Juliet took off, clearing a small tree and landing on the roof of a house one block over.  We all just stood there looking up at the roof.  We didn’t know the owners of the house and they didn’t seem to be home so we debated the penalty for climbing on someone’s roof without their permission. 
                My husband suddenly said he had an idea and disappeared down the street towards home.  When he came back he was carrying a double sided cage with Romeo in it.  He set it down on the front lawn with the empty side open and told everyone to be quiet.  Just then the homeowners drove up to see my entire family holding vigil in their front yard.  Needless to say it was a little awkward to explain but they seemed more amused than upset when they saw Juliet on their roof.  We all stood silently and waited.  Unbelievably Romeo started to call and Juliet answered.  She launched herself from the roof straight toward the cage.  She walked right in happy to be near Romeo again and we quickly shut the door behind her.  I will never forget that devoted pair and I don’t think our neighbors will either.

Sunday, December 9, 2012


When I realized my fate
I fell at Your feet to receive Your Grace

When I accepted my new estate
I approached Your throne to seek Your Face

In my hour of pain on my knees I cried
And I felt You by my side

When I reach for You when my life is done
You will take my hand and lead my home

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Mine all Mine

While I was waiting to go into the delivery room to give birth to my daughter I shared a room with a teenage mom to be.  She was very young, alone and terrified.  No one had come to see her all day.  When my husband left to get some lunch I finally had a chance to talk to her.  She said her name was Marie but didn’t say anything else about her personal life.  I asked if someone was coming to be with her when the baby was born but she said no.
When my husband returned he said that he had picked up the pictures at the drug store while he was out.  I was very excited because they were from a roll of film that I found in my drawer and I didn’t know how old they were or even where they were taken.  It was a fun surprise to see pictures of my first apartment and my little cat Mina.  My husband asked why I named the cat Mina and I told him that roughly translated from Polish t it meant “mine”.   She was the very first cat that I had owned by myself and she traveled all over the west with me.   I told him that it was nice to have someone to love, even if it was a cat, during a very lonely time in my life.  He laughed and said that he was happy to replace the cat.
Marie and I actually had our daughters at almost the same time, the middle of the night.  We ended up near each other in recovery and between drifting off to sleep and the excitement of first pictures the nurse came around to ask if we had already chosen names. I told her the name that my husband and I had picked out.  When it was Marie’s turn she looked at me and smiled and turned to the nurse and said that her daughter’s name was Mina Marie. 

Saturday, December 1, 2012

My Pass Through Account

I always need it
                Always want it
                So does everybody else

                There’s only so much
                I am given
                Where it goes no one can tell

                I try to save it
                Make arrangements
                Plan ahead so I don’t waste it

                I Guard it closely
                Check it often
                It never lasts I have to face it

                Although precious
                Try to share it
                It makes a special gift I find

                I long for more
                But can regret it
                Wishing it away at times

                All I know is
                I won’t need it
                When eternity is mine

                So I’ll try to
                Spend it wisely
                And make the best of all – My time