I don’t know about anyone else, but during a concert or sporting event when they ask for a moment of silence for someone who has died, I have a hard time quieting my mind. Surrounded by all of the activity and with feelings of anticipation and excitement, it takes almost that long for me to try to focus my thoughts. Silence doesn’t seem to come easy these days.
When I was growing up there was one day when no music, TV or games were allowed in our house from the time we got up until 3 o’clock in the afternoon. It was Good Friday. It was not normal for the four of us kids to be quiet so the day was long and frustrating. When I got bored I would usually go outside which was my favorite place to be anyway. Funny thing though, I remember so many Good Fridays when it rained all day. Mom always said the angels were crying for Jesus. Not long after 3:00 someone would turn on the TV on but not as loud as usual and it seemed like it took a while for things to get back to normal.
I asked her once why we could turn everything back on at 3:00 and she said that it was because that was the time when it was believed Jesus had died on the cross. It didn’t make sense to me then that the saddest moment of the day would be the time when the music and games could start again. But I began to understand that when I read what Jesus said on the cross, “It is finished”. The pain was over and death defeated now all there was to do was to wait for the Glory of Easter.
I wish that I could say that I carried on that tradition for my own children but I really only told them about it. Now on Good Friday no matter where I am my mind always goes back to the memory of that quiet time and I think about Him because I know that through all His suffering on that day He was thinking about us.