Sunday, October 28, 2012

Honey We're Home

               When my daughter was about 3 years old she liked to stand on the couch.  She knew that I did not approve so when I walked into the room she would drop to a sitting position.  There was always a telltale bounce so it was hard for me to keep a straight face as she tried to look innocent.        
                One day when I walked in the room she was standing and staring at the wall behind the couch.  When she heard me come in instead of sitting down she quickly turned around to face me with a guilty look on her face.  I told her to sit down and she hesitated and then slowly slid down the back of the couch.  Instantly I knew why, there was a small hole in the wall. She did not have a toy in her hand so I didn’t know how she did it.  When I asked she said that she just touched it.  The hole was about the size of the tip of one of her fingers.  Suddenly, I saw something insect like poke its head out.  I told her to get off the couch and looked for something to cover the hole and keep the intruder out.  All I had was some packing tape and as I put it over the hole I noticed the wall around it was soft to the touch. I turned off the TV and gently put my ear to the wall.  I couldn’t hear anything at first but when I tapped softly on another part of the wall that felt firm I heard the unmistakable sound of buzzing. It was not just a few bees; the whole wall seemed to vibrate with the sound. 
                It turned out that over the years, honey bees has gotten between the walls and created a giant honeycomb.  We usually had the TV or stereo on so we never heard the buzzing.
We move out almost immediately and heard later that the entire wall had to be removed and professional bee keepers called to relocate the hive.  It was the hard way to learn not to stand on the couch but learn it she did.

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