Thursday, July 24, 2014


We work to meet your every need
            And build your faith each day
            When life is hard and things go wrong
            We sometimes lose our way

We know our weakness shakes your world
               That’s why we try to hide it
It’s often just beneath the surface
Though our smiles deny it

To never dim your faith with doubt
Because we fail to trust Him
We put our best faith forward
Thinking it’s a fight we must win

                His word reveals the battle’s His
                And we can just let go
                He understands our fears for you
                And teaches us to know

 That In our weakness He is strong
                 Hi love for you is true
                 He holds each teardrop in His hands
                 Cause sometimes Mom’s cry too

Thursday, July 10, 2014

IT Forever or I'd Back it Up if I Could Find It

Overwhelmed? I don’t know
Just how low is whelmed?
How high must I go to see it below?
How will I be able to tell?

Why are you looking at me like that?
Everything’s perfectly fine
I always curl up under my desk
To prepare for approaching deadlines

No worries, I’ve got this
How can it miss?
Nothing can happen
That IT can’t fix

So what if the screen didn’t say save?
And the file name is not allowed
I’m sure I remembered to back it up
Do you think it could be on that Cloud?

Alright, I admit it, I’ve seen better days
I think I now know how to tell
My computer is down and IT's not around
That’s when I’m over the whelmed

Monday, July 7, 2014

57 Reasons I Can't Quit Now

No Regrets
                  You Wanna Bet
            Just wait til you turn fifty
            Through everything you’ve ever done
            You suddenly start sifting
Counting failures, broken dreams
            And things I could have done
            Excuses, blame and rational
            For me the battle had begun

 The past was not my enemy
             And failure not my foe
             My fears would cause my sure defeat
             If I could not let go

 Fear there was no time to start
             Or no time to finish
             That the passions in my heart
             Just could not be replenished

 The past has been defeated by
             The knowledge that God’s near
             And when I give them all to Him
             His perfect love casts out my fears

                  Now anything is possible
            My hopes deferred set free
            I can’t go back I can’t remain
            The future holds my victory

Thursday, July 3, 2014

The Courage to Be Free & the Freedom to Be Courageous

They had the courage to stand and fight
            For man’s most essential rights
            The courage to begin again
            Down the untried path of a virgin plan
They weathered the tests and trials unknown
            And continued to work, to build and to grow
            A sanctuary where all could find
            Freedom for hearts and souls and minds

 The blood bought freedom that we must maintain
             Is the freedom to stand and the courage to change
             The things that would find us bound again
             When power corrupt our freedoms demand

 To believe in what’s right – not from afar
             But be willing to fight for who we are
             May our freedom give us the courage we need
             To honor their lives in word and deed

 To stand on our honor, our faith and the truth
             May Freedom for all be our lasting pursuit