Thursday, July 24, 2014


We work to meet your every need
            And build your faith each day
            When life is hard and things go wrong
            We sometimes lose our way

We know our weakness shakes your world
               That’s why we try to hide it
It’s often just beneath the surface
Though our smiles deny it

To never dim your faith with doubt
Because we fail to trust Him
We put our best faith forward
Thinking it’s a fight we must win

                His word reveals the battle’s His
                And we can just let go
                He understands our fears for you
                And teaches us to know

 That In our weakness He is strong
                 Hi love for you is true
                 He holds each teardrop in His hands
                 Cause sometimes Mom’s cry too

1 comment:

  1. Oh this is so true! Thank you for your encouraging words!!
