Saturday, September 22, 2012

Diving In

I don’t remember how old I was or why my father suddenly decided to teach us all to dive off of the pier that day.  I do remember being terrified.  I loved the water and wasn’t afraid to swim but something about jumping off the pier head first into the deep water scared me to death.  I was never even allowed to go on the pier by myself and now, there I was out on the very end being encouraged to jump.
My sisters went first.  Older and more experienced swimmers they showed very little fear and did well on their first try. My dad reminded me to keep my head down and just fall forward.  He assured me that he would be right there and there was nothing to worry about.  I stared at the water listening to my sisters and my dad telling me that I could do it.  Putting my hands over my head I closed my eyes and fell forward forgetting to put my head down.
 I remember wondering when I hit the water if it was supposed to hurt. After the stinging sensation came the cold and dark.  It felt like I would never stop going down but suddenly as if a rubber band had reached the end of its stretch I was propelled upward without ever touching the bottom.  I burst out of the water and into my father’s arms. He held me tight against his chest with one arm and used the other to swim toward the ladder on the pier.  He didn’t say a word as he helped me up and wrapped me in a towel.  The truth was that I had just performed the most magnificent belly flop he had ever seen.   He didn’t ask me to try again that day I think we both knew that I was not ready. 
Of all the memories of my father that is the one that is the most vivid to me.  Remembering how he was right there when I needed him and how he held me, understanding my pain and not laughing at or scolding me for my failure.  My father is no longer with us but now I have a Heavenly Father.  Even when I fail and it hurts and I feel as though I will never come out of the darkness.  He is there to lift me up, comfort me and set my feet on solid ground.  If your world is dark and cold and you are still feeling the pain of failure or the bottom has fallen out of your life, reach for Him and He will lift you up and into His loving arms.

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